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Photopia Update - Build 763

Photopia Update - Build 763

This build includes two new easy ways to add accented letters and special characters.

The full revision list for build 763 is as follows:

Added support for HEIC image files
Added support for RAW image files
Added support for JPE image files
Added tooltips for show Soundtrack
Added option to Reset settings by group
Added icon for Flagged slides in Lightbox
Added track numbers to show Soundtrack
Added trimmed duration to show Soundtrack
Added 'go to track' option for show Soundtrack
Added drive labels to Browser (Windows only)
Added an Insert Symbol option with pop-up window
Added option to enter special characters with ALT codes
Added option to enter special characters with long keypress
Improved right-click menu entries in Keyframes list
Improved resolution default in Capture Frame window
Improved selection when changing order in Content list
Improved process for naming video file output (Mac only)
Fixed issue with missing effect thumbnails
Fixed issue in preview for Edit Shape window
Fixed issue with Bold / Italic effects in captions
Fixed issue with missing audio from video layers
Fixed issue with Crop when layer Shape enabled
Fixed issue with caption alignment after pasting text
Fixed issue with video output when Sequences present
Fixed issue with 'recently used' list in Transition window
Fixed issue with inserting layers while global layer selected
Fixed issue with Outlines / Shadows on Slices with early end
Fixed issue with Fly-In / Fly-Out display in keyframe timeline
Fixed issue with Fly-In / Fly-Out updates after deleting keyframes
Fixed issue with copying slides between Template-based slideshows
Fixed issue with selection state after moving Content up / down in list
Fixed preview display after changing Layer selection in Adjustment tab
Fixed issue where temporary 'template show' could be left behind in Projects list

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